
There are a few rules to keep the fighters

There are a few rules to keep the fighters from killing each other, but basically they take out their aggressions and "prove" their masculinity in this full contact combat sport. When I found out what it really meant, I realized I wasn't all that far off.Cage fighting NIKE FREE RUN,is a somewhat new adaptation to street fighting or illegal "pit" fighting, taking it into an arena where others pay to watch the usually bloody battles performed within a locked cage. Actually, there are times I would like to beat the living daylights out of someone too. You will learn how to protect yourself and put someone a lot biggerChaussures Reebok Femme than you down on the ground. But men also can be attacked and need to know how to defend themselves in ways not taught anywhere else.So if you'd like to learn an insightful and amazing alternative to old fashion fist fighting, watch the DVD with the moves and methods that have made one man and his students the ones to try and beat in the cage.Karleen Lindsey is a campaigner for the use of non-deadly weapons in keeping women safe. Personally I can't quite grasp how two grown men beating each other up can be a sport, but then I feel the same about boxing. It's a good defense mechanism. Since her own close encounter with violence 30 yrs ago she has been interested in helping other women achieve self-reliance and a mentality of security in every situation. The first time I heard the term "cage fighting" I pictured 2 pit bulls fighting to the death in a cage and I was appalled. One of them teaches how to create a protective shield that will not allow any assailant to even come close to hitting you. Just how much brutality can a body take? Two men fighting on the street would be arrested, yet two men fighting in a cage are cheered on by people who pay to watch! Huh?And don't they have any remorse or compassion for others? Doesn't it bother these fighters to know they are possibly causing irreparable damage to another human being? Maybe they just like to prove how tough they are. Grappling, kick boxing and hitting goes on for a few short rounds with one minute breaks in between.Combat fighting sports have been around for a long time. Thousands of years, in fact. I mean, someone is going to get hurt badly, maybe even both fighters. But taking a good long walkAir Ninja Femme with the dogs does me more good than hurting someone.I do understand the benefits of knowing how to fight, though. Those who use this method dominate the cage fighting arena.In about an hour of watching these DVDs, you can learn secrets of cage fighting, which can be adapted to any fighting style. There are a lot of DVDs out now on how to protect yourself during an attack. You don't have to be big to take down someone bigger if you learn the methods of "take down" from some of the best.Women especially should learn these fighting methods in case they are confronted by an assailant and don't have any weapons available. And, like I mentioned earlier, it's a good way to get out their aggressions. You can visit her website for Instructional Fighting DVDs and check out Tom Proctor's Secrets of Cage Fighting.

