Protect your young athlete's future and let them bring their game to the next level.Bill Scibetta,
RN, NSCA-CPT Bill is the founder and President of Precision Fitness ?– Personal Training Centers
in the Charlotte, NC area and co-author of the book Play Better Longer! ?– Peak
Performance and Injury Prevention for Golf. These organizations now support the participation of children in
appropriately designed and competently supervised strength training programs.At what age can a child begin a
strength training program? If a child has the capacity to follow directions, then the child
is old enough to follow a properly designed and supervised age-appropriate strength training program. Coaches
spend a great deal of time with young athletes on skills and drills.
Bill is a licensed Registered Nurse as well as a National Strength and Conditioning Association
?– Certified Nike Requin Personal Trainer. While skills and drills and sport specific instruction may make the
player more proficient kicking a soccer ball or throwing a baseball, chances are they won't
make them a better overall athlete, and they certainly won't decrease the chance of sport
related injury.Repetitive training of only specific sport related movements tends not only to limit performance,
but sets the stage for faulty movement patterns and overuse injury. Kids are picking one
sport and playing it year round. Parents enroll children in speed and agility camps and
provide private instruction hoping to develop a better player. Strength Training may involve the use
of weights or other external resistance (bands, medicine balls, pulleys, etc.), it may involve body
weight (push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, etc.,) and it may involve the use of body weight and
ground forces (skipping, hopping, tn requin jumping, etc.)There is an interesting trend in the physical activity of
today's youth, a trend that makes the integration of a strength training program more important
than ever. In most sports, common sites for overuse injuries include the heel, ankle, and
knees. Well designed Strength Training programs will not only make muscles stronger but will strengthen
other supporting tissues like bone, ligaments and tendons thus decreasing the chance of acute injuries
such and sprains and ligament tears.Health organizations such as the American College of Sports Medicine
(ACSM), The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA),
have helped put to rest the long held belief that strength training for children is
unsafe and ineffective. Simply stated, Strength Training is a method of conditioning that will increase
an individual's ability to handle the physical demands of activity. Today, kids are
specializing in a particular sport at an early age. Because of this specialization and the
fact that kids don't engage in "free play" the way they used to, young athletes
today aren't developing the fundamental motor skills, and musculoskeletal balance necessary for peak performance and
injury prevention.We all want our young athlete to be as successful on the field as
possible. You can add shoulders and elbows to that list for the young baseball, tennis,
and volleyball player. Strength Training is not training to see how much weight one can
push around the gym. After spending years practicing in the specialty of Orthopedics and
Sports Medicine, Bill has dedicated his career to helping individuals identify and overcome obstacles that
stand in the way of optimal wellness and peak physical performance..
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